English Irish |
Triangle of white between front legs that points down. Mark should reach across chest but not into armpit. Two front white feet, ok to have white on back feet feet/toes and small white tail tip.
h(i)/h(i) or H/h(i)
Two copies of the Irish allele, or one copy of the Self allele and one copy of the Irish allele. |

 The marking in this photo is asymmetrical.
American Irish |
White spot on belly of even size (will not be perfectly oval, but should be symmetrical), white feet and white tip tail to 1/4 its length. Four white feet to ankle stops.
H/h or h/h(i)
One copy of the Self allele and one copy of the Hooded allele, OR one copy of the Irish allele and one copy of the Hooded allele. |

American Berkshire |
White belly extending down legs and neck (no color on the underside) white feet and white tail to 1/2 its length. Head spot or blaze is preferred but not required.
H/he or H/hn
One copy of the Self allele and one copy of the Extreme allele, OR one copy of the Self allele and one copy of the Notch allele. |


Classic Berkshire |
Full white belly not extending down legs. White feet stops and white tail tip to 1/2 its length. Head spot or blaze is preferred but not required.
H/h or h/h(i)
One copy of the Self allele and one copy of the Hooded allele, OR one copy of the Irish allele and one copy of the Hooded allele. |


Hooded |
Has a colored hood that covers the head, neck, chest, and shoulders the body
to be white with a spine mark that extends from the hood to the tail. The stripe should be even and unbroken.
Two copies of the Hooded allele.


Whiteside |
Rat to have a white band around the middle, from side to side around the belly. Band should be broken by a stripe of color along the spine. Many say they look like a hooded rat "wearing pants." Tail and back feet should be devoid of white markings. White front feet are allowed and should not be faulted.
One copy of the Hooded allele and one copy of the Whiteside allele. Can be bred for any pattern, but best results come from Irish and Self. |


Bareback |
Similar to hooded but NO stripe, no spotting on back.
h/h(n) or h/h(e)
One copy of the Notch allele and one copy of the Hooded allele, OR one copy of the Extreme allele and one copy of the Hooded allele.


Variegated |
Colored hood (head and shoulders) with numerous small color spots or splashes on shoulders, sides and tail. Has a white belly, head spot or blaze. May have white lips and line extending from chin to belly.
h(i)/h(e) or h(i)/h(n)
One copy of the Irish allele and one copy of the Extreme allele, OR one copy of the Irish allele and one copy of the Notch allele. |


Dalmatian |
Numerous non-symmetrical color spots on a white body. May not have full colored head but may have spots on head.
Dominant gene. Requires at least one copy of Dalmatian to express. |


Capped |
Cap on head not to go past the ears or throat. White body, no blaze. (Photo: this doe's mark is somewhat unsymmetrical)
h(n)/h(n) or h(n)/h(e)
Two copies of the Notch allele OR one copy of the Extreme allele and one copy of the Notch allele. |


Down Under |
Body marking to follow any standardized pattern but with belly stripe or spots.
Dominant gene. Requires at least one copy of Down Under to express.


Masked |
Mask covering face and eyes only, white body.
h(e)/h(e) or h(e)/h(n)
Two copies of the Extreme allele or one copy of the Extreme allele and one copy of the Notch allele.


Possum |
Wide, white blaze that reaches mid-way between ears and eyes. Marking should reach from jaw line to jaw line in a round, even pattern (prefer no point at crown). Color mark extends beyond the ears and there should be no clear splits in the colored cap. No color marks allowed on the face. The overall affect should be of a possum like face. Any body marking that is recognized within the club can be present on the body of the rat. Usually seen on Dalmatian, Bareback, Variegated and Banded.
Faults: color touches eye, split cap


Banded |
Color covering head and down shoulders in a wide spine/body mark down through tail. Mark should be at least as wide as the shoulders. The underside of the rat, including the head, will be white. Blazes are accepted and preferred.
Ws + H/h or H/h(i) or h/h(i)
One copy of Dominate White Spotting plus one of the following combinations:
- One copy of Self and one copy of Hooded
- One copy of Self and one copy of Irish
- One copy of Irish and one copy of Hooded


Collared |
To have a hood extending over shoulder blades. Front legs to be white. Back marking to start at the tail, extending down hindquarters but not down leg. Mark will taper over back up towards shoulders forming a "triangle." Back mark may touch hood but with mottling or have a full white collar. Back mark will be mottled along the edges. Has a head spot or sometimes a blaze. May have white lips.
Ws + H/h or h/h(i)
One copy of Dominate White Spotting plus one of the following combinations:
- One copy of Self and one copy of Hooded
- One copy of Irish and one copy of Hooded
Faults – No mottling or separation between hood and back mark. Color extends down legs. No head spot. |


American Essex |
Color gradually shades down from the top of the rat to the belly; the darkest area is along the spine and the color becomes less intense down the sides of the animal. The belly should be white, with no spotting. The fade down the sides should be even and symmetrical with no dark spotting. Silvering should be even throughout the fur, with less at the top and more at the bottom of the rat. A symmetrical head spot is required and a white muzzle is preferred. Any color may be shown but shows best in darker colors. Tail may be mottled with color or absent of color. Undercoat may appear light and is not faulted.
One copy of the Self allele and one copy of the Essex allele.
Faults: Lack of head spot, no fading or silvering. |


Roan |
Solid colored, but as they age start to exhibit roaning, white hairs intermingles with the solid coloring. Typically, this starts at the head and rump and follows with the sides.
Roans should have as symmetrical markings as possible. The underside should be completely white. Head will have a wide blaze, including the whisker bed, coming as close to the eyes as possible without touching the eyes, and coming to a point between the ears. Jaw line and underside of the head must be white.
Body, color runs from the ears and back, along the body extending down the sides. Belly to be white. An unmarked tail is preferred.
ro/ro + H/H or h(i)/h(i) or H/h(i) or H/h(e) or H/h(n) or h/h(i)
Two copies of the Roan allele along with either:
- Two copies of Self
- Two copies of Irish
- One copy of Self and one copy of Irish
- One copy of Self and one copy of Extreme
- One copy of Self and one copy of Notch
- One copy of Hooded and one copy of Irish
Faults: Excessive fading. Lack of white on face and head or a completely white face or head. Eye color will conform to base color standard. |


Baldie |
White body with coloring on the head reaching behind the ears, white nose tip, white jaw line and white diamond shaped head spot that trails into a white line between the ears to the neck. Color will not be intense.
H(ro)/h, H(ro)/h(n) or H(ro)/h(e)
One copy of the Essex allele and either one copy of the Hooded allele, one copy of the Notch allele, or one copy of the Extreme allele. |


Odd-Eyed |
Not a separate section, but will be judged if present.
Two eyes of different colors. May be black / ruby or ruby / pink. The deepest contrast is best. Can be shown in any recognized color and marking
(usually found in Roan and Dalmatian) |

