How do I join RatsPacNW and how much does it cost? |
Prices vary depending on what kind of membership you want. We have an individual membership for people 13 and older, a junior membership for those who are 12 and younger, and even a family membership for multiple people! Perks include reduced entry fees for your rats, voting privileges on club business, and even the chance to take one of the officer positions. Plus, your money goes towards the cost of keeping the club running. For details on how to apply, visit our Membership page.

Does RatsPacNW have a rat/breeder registry? |
No, we do not keep a formal registry in which we keep track of lineages. Tracking lineage is the breeder's job and is not something that we offer. Anyone can be a member of RatsPacNW, but that does not include endorsement of their rattery. We encourage people do their own research when looking to adopt from one.

How much does it cost to show a rat or to sell products at an event? |
Each show organizer sets their own entry fee based on the cost of the event.
Vendors who want to rent a table during an event must pay a table fee, and there is a per-rat registration fee for rats to attend the show.

Can I enter my rat in more than one category? |
Your rat may be entered into one standards category and any pet category. They cannot be entered into more than one standards category (i.e. dumbo/marked and hairless). Your rat should be entered into the category of your rat's most prominent feature. With how our score sheets work, they will be judged on all features they exhibit, so they will do better in the correct class.

What is a show box? |
A show box is a clear plastic cage with a snap-on lid. These are sold in many pet stores and cost between $20-$25. For adult rats, we recommend the large size box (approx. 14.5 x 8.75 x 9.75 inches) and kittens can be shown in the medium size (approx. 11.88 x 7.75 x 8.13 inches). We do not recommend wire cages be brought to the judges table for several reasons. One, we try to keep the owner of the rat anonymous, and show boxes provide that conformity. Show boxes also provide less contact between other rats, which helps prevent transfer of unknown/unseen diseases or parasites.
The club will have boxes available to use, for a fee, but you are encouraged to bring your own as quantities are limited. Use an appropriate size; make sure your rat can turn around comfortably in the box, and don't keep them in the box for longer than 45 minutes.

At the show, what do we do if we have a rat entered? |
Pay attention to when your class will be called. Sometimes a class may be switched, end early or go very long depending on number of entries. When your rat's class is called, put them in their show box with their entry form or entry number placed on top. DO NOT place identifying marks on your box or the sheet other than what was given to you.
Once the class is finished you will be asked to collect your rat, ribbon, and score sheet. If your rat scored well, you may be asked to wait until the best of variety is judged to get them. Rats that win best of variety will then be asked to come back at the end of the judging for best of show.